World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15

posted 6/11/2021 in Press Releases

As Americans, we believe in justice for all. Yet, every year an estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10 older Americans experience elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Working together, we can build the social supports that can prevent this abuse and keep everyone safe as we age. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) – commemorated on June 15 every year – is an opportunity for people or organizations to take action to protect older people by raising awareness about elder abuse, why it occurs, and what we can do to stop it. We can act collectively to support justice for all.

What Is Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse refers to intentional or negligent acts by a caregiver or trusted individual that causes harm to an older person. Elder abuse takes many forms, including:

  • Neglect or Isolation
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial abuse and exploitation
  • Emotional or psychological abuse (including verbal abuse and threats)

Each state defines elder abuse differently. (You may wish to look up your state’s statutes to see how elder abuse is defined. For assistance, contact the NCEA.)

There is some debate over whether mistreatment by strangers, rather than by a person in a trust relationship to the older person such as spouse, child, or friend, also constitutes elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

What Causes Elder Abuse?

Our policies and practices make it hard to stay involved with and connected to our communities as we age. As a result, older people are more likely to experience social isolation, which increases the likelihood of abuse and neglect.

Elder abuse affects older people across all socioeconomic groups, cultures, and races and can occur anywhere when they are disconnected from social supports:

  • In a person’s own home
  • In nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other institutional settings
  • In hospitals

While any older person is potentially at risk of elder abuse, some are more susceptible to experience abuse or neglect than others. Based on available information, women and people 80 and older are more likely to experience abuse. Factors such as dementia or poor physical health can increase older people’s isolation, which in turn puts people at greater risk of experiencing abuse or neglect.

How Can We Prevent and Address the Problem?

There are many ways to get involved in creating a stronger society that safeguards our communities and prevents elder abuse from occurring. We can all be “beams” of support in our society structure.

  • Keep in contact and talk with your older friends, neighbors, and relatives frequently.
  • Be aware and alert for the possibility of abuse.
  • Look around and take note of what may be happening with your older neighbors and acquaintances.
  • Ask questions and listen.

If you have questions about elder abuse, give us a call at 1-800-779-8707.  To help determine if an individual meets the criteria for referral to the Elder Rights Program use this tool

Empowering you to age with confidence.