Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention Instructor Training Workshop Planned

posted 4/9/2021 in Press Releases

Are you looking for a chance to help empower older individuals to be more active?  Do you enjoy being active and participating in exercise classes?   Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A) is offering Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention Instructor Training Workshop July 7 and 8 in Dyersville, Iowa.   

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention is a low-impact, relaxing form of exercise that is ideal for older individuals. Tai Chi focuses on the mental and spiritual aspects of Chinese martial arts integrated into movement. During this workshop, you will learn to:

• Demonstrate the Tai Chi set and its Warmup and Cool-Down set
• Describe practical ways to integrate the Tai Chi Principles into existing interventions, exercises, and activities
• Summarize the characteristics of arthritis and research validating Tai Chi’s benefits.
• Differentiate ways to safely modify Tai Chi movements for an individual’s capabilities
and limitations.
• Demonstrate how to teach Tai Chi or any therapeutic movements using the Stepwise
Progressive Teaching Method.
• Describe ways to use sequenced Tai Chi movements to help improve physical and psychological functional performance (ADLs).

The Tai Chi Instructor Training Workshop will be held at the Dyersville Social Center, 625 3rd Avenue SE in Dyersville from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on July 7 and 8. Master Trainer Jim Starshak will be conducting the training.  First time training and recertification is being offered at this workshop. Cost is $300 for the initial training or $175 for recertification. Register by May 1 and save $50 with an Early Bird special! Registration deadline is June 1. Register online at https://tinyurl.com/y57d2t84 or call 319-231-1551.

Empowering you to age with confidence.